What is the equivalent of Mac OS X Spaces for Windows?

I am looking for a utility that does the same task done by Spaces for Mac OS X.
For who doesn't know it, it's a utility that allows you to create virtual screens in order to not have all the screens in a single screen.

Try Desktops from Sysinternals.

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Alternatively, there is WindowsPager which is also free.

You could try out VirtuaWin ( http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net/ ). It's pretty lightweight, opensource and also a portable application. (and yes, despite not beeing mentioned on the projects frontpage, it's also working on Win7.

Finestra Virtual Desktops from codeplex is also free and not too bad

Windows now includes a feature called Task View which is very similar to macOS's Mission Control/Spaces. In the Windows 10 taskbar, click the "Task View" button on the right of the search bar to add desktops and switch between them.

This answer on a similar question has more detail.