Send a batch file to a Windows machine, and execute it
Solution 1:
You can execute a script, or binary, remotely using WMI. This is a minimal example, written in VBS, which runs the batch file C:\test.cmd
located on the remote computer FCSD-ISC1.
strComputer = "FCSD-ISC1"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
objWMIService.Create "C:\test.cmd", null, null, intProcessID
This is covered in more detail in this Scripting Guy article.
Solution 2:
I recommend mounting the C$ share, testing for the .\Temp directory (creating if it doesn't exist), and copying there. (There is an "admin$" administrative share, but I recommend against using it.)
You can do this from the command line via net use * \\servername\c$ /user:domain/account
or specify a drive as net use t: \\servername\c$ /user:domain/account
This should be well documented in MSDN. If writing for a script, there are a lot of examples in the Microsoft Script Center Repository