How can I send SMS from my PC using my iPhone?

I've been a long-time Nokia fan, but finally succumbed to the iPhone 4's unholy screen resolution.

One feature I use a lot (about a hundred times a day...) is Nokia PC Suite's ability to send SMS via the phone. It:

  • Uses my phone's contact list.
  • Notifies me when I get an sms.
  • Allows me to send SMS using my PC's keyboard.

Essentially turning SMS into just another IM medium I use on the PC.

How will I do this with the iPhone 4 + Windows 7?

It is possible if it is jailbroken. I don't know if it works on the 3G or 4G networks, but it works on Wi-Fi.

  1. Go into Cydia and install a app called "Veency" (this app will allways be active)

  2. Install TightVNC on the computer you want to use for this

  3. Run the program on your computer. It should be called "TightVNC Viewer" (not the server)

  4. On your iPhone go to Settings/Wi-Fi/Current Connection and note your IP address

  5. Type it the TightVNC viewer along with your chosen password.

  6. Enjoy typing from your PC!

I'm unaware of any way to do that with the iPhone specifically. You may want to look into using Google Voice though - it doesn't have superb integrated on the iPhone (Google tried; Apple rejected their app), but it's easy to send/receive SMS on your computer using your google contacts, and the SMSs get forwarded to your iPhone, and replies on your iPhone get sent back through Google Voice so it's all still in the online interface. I believe you can also sync your iPhone's contacts list with your google account's, so it won't be as smooth as with Nokia, but should work.