Mocking Files in Java - Mock Contents - Mockito

I'm pretty new to mocking, and I've been trying to mock the actual contents (essentially create a virtual file in memory alone) so that no data is written to disk at any point.

I've tried solutions like mocking the file and mocking as many of the properties that I can figure out as much as possible, an then also writing into it with a filewriter/bufferedwriter, but those don't work well, since they need canonical paths. Anyone found a solution other than this or similar, but that I'm approaching this wrong?

I've been doing it like this:

private void mocking(){
    File badHTML = mock(File.class);
    //setting the properties of badHTML

    try {
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(badHTML));
          badHTMLText is a string with the contents i want to put into the file, 
          can be just about whatever you want

    } catch (IOException ex) {

Any ideas or guidance would be very helpful. Somewhere after this i basically try to read from the file using another class. I would try to mock some sort of input stream, but the other class doesn't take an inputstream, since it's the io handling class for the project.

You seem to be after contradictory goals. On the one hand, you're trying to avoid writing data to disk, which isn't a bad goal in tests. On the other, you're trying to test your I/O-handling class, which means you'll be working with system utilities that assume that your File will work with native calls. As such, here's my guidance:

  • Don't try to mock a File. Just don't. Too many native things depend on it.
  • If you can, split your I/O-handling code into the half that opens a File and turns it into a Reader, and the half that parses HTML out of the Reader.
  • At that point, you don't need a mock at all--just construct a StringReader to simulate the data source.
  • While that handles your unit tests pretty well, you may also want to write an integration test that uses a temporary file and ensure that it reads right. (Thanks Brice for adding that tip!)

Don't be afraid to refactor your class to make testing easier, as here:

class YourClass {
  public int method(File file) {
    // do everything here, which is why it requires a mock

class YourRefactoredClass {
  public int method(File file) {
    return methodForTest(file.getName(), file.isFile(),
        file.isAbsolute(), new FileReader(file));

  /** For testing only. */
  int methodForTest(
      String name, boolean isFile, boolean isAbsolute, Reader fileContents) {
    // actually do the calculation here

class YourTest {
  @Test public int methodShouldParseBadHtml() {
    YourRefactoredClass yrc = new YourRefactoredClass();
    assertEquals(42, yrc.methodForTest(
        "bad.html", true, false, new StringReader(badHTMLText));

At this point the logic in method is so straightforward it's not worth testing, and the logic in methodForTest is so easy to access that you can test it heavily.

One way to mock I/O calls (with Java 7 it would be the NIO final class java.nio.file.Files) is to wrap the needed calls in your own class and mock it:

public class FileHelper {

    public Path createDirectory(String directoryName) throws IOException {
        return Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(directoryName));

    public boolean exists(String name) throws IOException {
        return Files.exists(Paths.get(name), LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);


The business logic is located in the ImageManager:

FileHelper fileHelperMock = Mockito.mock(new FileHelper());
ImageManager imageManager = new ImageManagerImpl(fileHelperMock);

The test will verify the call to createDirectory() method on your mock:"directory");

I would use this method during test driven development where I do not want to pollute testing with real file management (e.g. delete created directories/files in a finally block in each unit test).

Then I would have acceptance tests covering every use case with real file handling.