Perfect 180 turns and aiming

Solution 1:

Beyond setting your mouse sensitivity high, disabling the "enhance mouse precision" option on the Windows control panel (you may need to go into the Windows panel, even if your mouse has it's own) can help greatly for shooters. What it does is essentially reduce the pointer sensitivity the slower you move the mouse, or conversely speed it up the faster the mouse moves. With that done away with, when you move the mouse an inch in whatever direction at whatever speed, you will always turn the same amount.

Windows 7 mouse control panel

The downside of this is that unless you have a mouse with high DPI, you may not be able to have both the sensitivity as high as you like and have your cursor move smoothly (it may skip pixels)

Solution 2:

Well practice practice practice for one, second your going to have to set your sensitivity to max. It takes awhile to get used to but once you do your going to be able to whip around quite a bit faster. And third don't always take what you see on YouTube as truth they don't put up video's of them failing miserably.