Gradle location is incorrect error while importing ActionBarsherlock in Android Studio

If you have installed your gradle with brew then it would be:


Try using this path:

For Windows

C:\Users\MyHome\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.6-bin\<some random folder>\gradle-1.6

For UNIX (Debian, Mac etc.)

~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-<a-version>-<bin or all>/<some random folder>/gradle-<a-version>

Point to the folder <gradle root folder>/libexec. Things should start working.

When using homebrew, instead of (as suggested in other answers):


It's better to use:


It's a symlink and will survive brew upgrade.

Create a build.gradle with:

task getHomeDir << {
    println gradle.gradleHomeDir

Then run it with:

gradle getHomeDir

You should see something like:


You can use that to populate the Gradle plugin, and you’re off.