pronunciation of sinh x, cosh x, tanh x for short [closed]

Solution 1:

I usually say "sine-h", "cos-h", and "tan-h" with the "h" pronounced "aich" like the letter.

Sometimes I pronounce "cosh" as a word with a long "o".

I guess this qualifies as an answer, instead of just a comment.

Solution 2:

Here are some pronunciations that I use with alternate pronunciations given by others.

  • $\sinh$ - Sinch (sɪntʃ) (Others say "shine" (ʃaɪn) according to Olivier Bégassat et al.)
  • $\cosh$ - Kosh (kɒʃ or koʊʃ)
  • $\tanh$ - Tanch (tæntʃ) (Others say "tsan" (tsæn) or "tank" (teɪnk) according to André Nicolas)
  • $\coth$ - Koth (kɒθ) according to J. M.
  • $\operatorname{csch}$ - Kisch (kɪʃ) according to J. M.
  • $\operatorname{sech}$ - Seech (siːtʃ)

I'm sure many people pronounce these functions much differently; pronunciation is simply based on preference.