Is there a way to transfer many photos from iPhone to Mac without losing filters & edits?

Is there an way to get the photos off my iPhone without losing the filters and edits that I have used?

I just want the jpeg files, I don't want to sync the phone to a database like iPhoto or (now) Photos.

I don't want to use iPhotos because it keeps all the photostreams on my MB Air and uses up disk space. I suppose I could use it with photostreams disabled.

If I use AirPlay, it takes forever and chokes when I want to do a few hundred at a time.

Is there a way to do it with the iPhone connected by cable?

Solution 1:

The best way I have found is with the new Photos app.

In Photos, go to the Import tab, then select the photos you want to import.

This will create a new album with the date of the import.

In the new album, press:

cmd-A to select all
cmd-shift-E to export
> choose options
cmd-backspace to delete all

note: do NOT choose a subfolder name unless you want every single day to have its own folder.

Solution 2:


  1. import the photos with Image Capture
  2. run $ python

The script will read the .AAE files which store the effect and apply the effect to the matching .JPG image.