Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes

I have a string vaguely like this:


that I want to split by commas -- but I need to ignore commas in quotes. How can I do this? Seems like a regexp approach fails; I suppose I can manually scan and enter a different mode when I see a quote, but it would be nice to use preexisting libraries. (edit: I guess I meant libraries that are already part of the JDK or already part of a commonly-used libraries like Apache Commons.)

the above string should split into:


note: this is NOT a CSV file, it's a single string contained in a file with a larger overall structure


public class Main { 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String line = "foo,bar,c;qual=\"baz,blurb\",d;junk=\"quux,syzygy\"";
        String[] tokens = line.split(",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)", -1);
        for(String t : tokens) {
            System.out.println("> "+t);


> foo
> bar
> c;qual="baz,blurb"
> d;junk="quux,syzygy"

In other words: split on the comma only if that comma has zero, or an even number of quotes ahead of it.

Or, a bit friendlier for the eyes:

public class Main { 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String line = "foo,bar,c;qual=\"baz,blurb\",d;junk=\"quux,syzygy\"";

        String otherThanQuote = " [^\"] ";
        String quotedString = String.format(" \" %s* \" ", otherThanQuote);
        String regex = String.format("(?x) "+ // enable comments, ignore white spaces
                ",                         "+ // match a comma
                "(?=                       "+ // start positive look ahead
                "  (?:                     "+ //   start non-capturing group 1
                "    %s*                   "+ //     match 'otherThanQuote' zero or more times
                "    %s                    "+ //     match 'quotedString'
                "  )*                      "+ //   end group 1 and repeat it zero or more times
                "  %s*                     "+ //   match 'otherThanQuote'
                "  $                       "+ // match the end of the string
                ")                         ", // stop positive look ahead
                otherThanQuote, quotedString, otherThanQuote);

        String[] tokens = line.split(regex, -1);
        for(String t : tokens) {
            System.out.println("> "+t);

which produces the same as the first example.


As mentioned by @MikeFHay in the comments:

I prefer using Guava's Splitter, as it has saner defaults (see discussion above about empty matches being trimmed by String#split(), so I did:


While I do like regular expressions in general, for this kind of state-dependent tokenization I believe a simple parser (which in this case is much simpler than that word might make it sound) is probably a cleaner solution, in particular with regards to maintainability, e.g.:

String input = "foo,bar,c;qual=\"baz,blurb\",d;junk=\"quux,syzygy\"";
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
int start = 0;
boolean inQuotes = false;
for (int current = 0; current < input.length(); current++) {
    if (input.charAt(current) == '\"') inQuotes = !inQuotes; // toggle state
    else if (input.charAt(current) == ',' && !inQuotes) {
        result.add(input.substring(start, current));
        start = current + 1;

If you don't care about preserving the commas inside the quotes you could simplify this approach (no handling of start index, no last character special case) by replacing your commas in quotes by something else and then split at commas:

String input = "foo,bar,c;qual=\"baz,blurb\",d;junk=\"quux,syzygy\"";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(input);
boolean inQuotes = false;
for (int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < builder.length(); currentIndex++) {
    char currentChar = builder.charAt(currentIndex);
    if (currentChar == '\"') inQuotes = !inQuotes; // toggle state
    if (currentChar == ',' && inQuotes) {
        builder.setCharAt(currentIndex, ';'); // or '♡', and replace later
List<String> result = Arrays.asList(builder.toString().split(",")); (fork of the previous library that will allow the generated output to have Windows line terminators \r\n when not running Windows)

CSV API for Java

Can you recommend a Java library for reading (and possibly writing) CSV files?

Java lib or app to convert CSV to XML file?

I would not advise a regex answer from Bart, I find parsing solution better in this particular case (as Fabian proposed). I've tried regex solution and own parsing implementation I have found that:

  1. Parsing is much faster than splitting with regex with backreferences - ~20 times faster for short strings, ~40 times faster for long strings.
  2. Regex fails to find empty string after last comma. That was not in original question though, it was mine requirement.

My solution and test below.

String tested = "foo,bar,c;qual=\"baz,blurb\",d;junk=\"quux,syzygy\",";
long start = System.nanoTime();
String[] tokens = tested.split(",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)");
long timeWithSplitting = System.nanoTime() - start;

start = System.nanoTime(); 
List<String> tokensList = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean inQuotes = false;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : tested.toCharArray()) {
    switch (c) {
    case ',':
        if (inQuotes) {
        } else {
            b = new StringBuilder();
    case '\"':
        inQuotes = !inQuotes;
long timeWithParsing = System.nanoTime() - start;

System.out.printf("Time with splitting:\t%10d\n",timeWithSplitting);
System.out.printf("Time with parsing:\t%10d\n",timeWithParsing);

Of course you are free to change switch to else-ifs in this snippet if you feel uncomfortable with its ugliness. Note then lack of break after switch with separator. StringBuilder was chosen instead to StringBuffer by design to increase speed, where thread safety is irrelevant.

You're in that annoying boundary area where regexps almost won't do (as has been pointed out by Bart, escaping the quotes would make life hard) , and yet a full-blown parser seems like overkill.

If you are likely to need greater complexity any time soon I would go looking for a parser library. For example this one