Determine if command is recognized in a batch file
Solution 1:
WHERE mycommand
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO mycommand wasn't found
Solution 2:
The code below should always execute cleanly with no garbage output.
javac -version >nul 2>&1 && (
echo found javac
) || (
echo fail
found javac
The same code as a one-liner:
javaz -version >nul 2>&1 && ( echo found javac ) || ( echo fail )
Note that the order of &&
and ||
seems to matter. Also, the command whose existence you are testing for needs to return with an errorlevel <= 0 for this to work. Hopefully the command has /? or --help arguments or, as with java, a version info command.
Solution 3:
The easiest way is to simply run the command, but that has other problems, of course, since maybe you don't want to have a random process started.
for %%x in (my_command.exe) do if not [%%~$PATH:x]==[] set MyCommandFound=1
is an alternative which searchs for the program in the paths listed by the %PATH%
environment variable. It's essentially a pure batch version of which(1)
. It can be made better but essentially this is it.