Apple Mail - Making Reply and Forward Attributions the SAME?

Solution 1:

I'd be very interested in this if you can pull it off, as that reply header format is super annoying to me.

For the previous version of Mail, a guy at Purdue wrote a plug-in to do exactly what we're looking for here. He's since moved off OS X so he isn't maintaining the code for Lion, but it might serve as a good starting point for you. The source is at:

The author gave me the following tip (all Greek to me, but might be helpful to you):

Fixing this to work in Lion might be as simple as including new UUIDs (plugins require something called UUID compatibility IDs), or a rewrite (the Mail internals might have changed).

Hope this helps! I know a lot of people that would be very excited to fix this little shortcoming in Lion Mail.


Solution 2:

Happy to report there is a solution to this now, as Purdue's Saptarshi Guha has updated his plug-in for Lion Mail. You can now see the standard reply header instead of that ugly Mac standard.