Why can't I increase the size of sda1 using gParted?

I am trying to resize my /dev/sda1 as shown in the diagram using the gparted Live cd.However although I have unallocated space I am unable to expand it.I have tried expanding /dev/sda2(which works) and then decreasing its size from the beginning(which doesnt). But that doesnt work either. Could someone please tell ,me how to resize my /dev/sda1 partition.

enter image description here

The extended sda2 partition is in the way. Do one of two things:

  • If Gparted allows, move sda2 to the very right, and then you'll be able to expand sda1.
  • Alternatively, delete sda2, expand sda1 by 2GB and then recreated your swap partition (an extended partition isn't required if you have 4 or less primary partitions).

Simplified answer from the previous post article:

In gparted:

  1. Open sda2and resize it to fit all the unallocated space.
  2. Open sda5 and move linux-swap all the way to the right, at the end of the disk.
  3. Open sda2 again and resize it with the left handle to fit only sda5 size on right corner, leaving unnalocated space to the left.

sda2 moved to the end of the disk

  1. gparted will then allow you to resize sda1 and increase its size, and apply changes.

sda1 free to be resized