Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

Solution 1:

It looks like Angular has support for this now.

From the latest (v1.2.0) docs for $routeProvider.when(path, route):

path can contain optional named groups with a question mark (:name?)

Solution 2:

Like @g-eorge mention, you can make it like this:

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  when('/users/:userId?', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})

You can also make as much as u need optional parameters.

Solution 3:

Please see @jlareau answer here:

You can use a function to generate the template string:

var app = angular.module('app',[]);

    function($routeProvider) {
            when('/', {templateUrl:'/home'}).
                    templateUrl: function(params){ return '/users/view/' + params.user_id;   }

Solution 4:

Actually I think OZ_ may be somewhat correct.

If you have the route '/users/:userId' and navigate to '/users/' (note the trailing /), $routeParams in your controller should be an object containing userId: "" in 1.1.5. So no the paramater userId isn't completely ignored, but I think it's the best you're going to get.