How do I set the default font size in Vim?

I am trying to configure the default settings for my GUI with Vim. I already made research on the web, but all the solutions I found and tried did not work.

Here are some of the things I tried (in the .vimrc file):

set guifont = Monaco:h20
set guifont=Monospace 20

Actually I don't care about the Monaco font.

For the first one remove the spaces. Whitespace matters for the set command.

set guifont=Monaco:h20

For the second one it should be (the h specifies the height)

set guifont=Monospace:h20

My recommendation for setting the font is to do (if your version supports it)

set guifont=*

This will pop up a menu that allows you to select the font. After selecting the font, type

set guifont?

To show what the current guifont is set to. After that copy that line into your vimrc or gvimrc. If there are spaces in the font add a \ to escape the space.

set guifont=Monospace\ 20

Try a \<Space> before 12, like so:

:set guifont=Monospace\ 12

I cross over the same problem I put the following code in the folder ~/.gvimrc and it works.

set guifont=Monaco:h20