Looking for an idiom to describe "a misunderstanding" [closed]

Solution 1:

Other idioms are: "We are not on the same page," or ". . .not singing from the same sheet of music." However, if a misunderstanding has already occurred, it might be better to avoid idiomatic speech and say directly something like, "I'm sorry. I did not make myself clear, what I mean to say is . . .."

Solution 2:

A common idiom for that is that you "Got your wires crossed"

Solution 3:

You got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

to not understand a situation correctly

Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got hold of the wrong end of the stick. I said how nice he was and Julie got the wrong end of the stick and thought I wanted to go out with him.

For this particular case you could also say, "Sorry if I was speaking Greek." A variation would be, "Sorry if I was speaking a different language."

Solution 4:

"Sorry what you have understood is way off (base)!"

way off (base): Inf. Fig. on the wrong track; completely wrong

Consider also wide of the mark, (way) off the mark, and out in left field.

off the mark: wrong or not accurate

out in left field: completely wrong; mistaken

*Sorry what you've understood is (way) off the mark.*

*Sorry I think you're out in left field [=I think you've completely missed the point]."