Synonyms for "default"

I've been looking for other words to describe a pre-selected option that can be changed by the user but must have a value. Everyone uses the word "default" to describe that, but in searching for synonyms I always get a list of synonyms related to the legal definition--a failure to meet an obligation.

I don't like the word default because computer people use it everywhere. Are there any good alternatives?

Edit: Removing single-word-requests tag

After considering some of the answers here, I've concluded that a single-word answer may not be possible. I'm removing the tag. I'm still interested in other synonymous phrases, but the answers so far are probably good enough. I will still wait to award a bounty and accept an answer at the end of the bounty period.

a pre-selected option that can be changed by the user but must have a value

pre-selected or pre-selected value

pre-filled value or field

starter value

initial value

back-up value

assumed value (or assumption) (I like this one a lot)

given value

sample value

base value

fall-back [condition]

I am not going to provide dictionary definitions for these because they are obvious; I have to give you a lot of options to choose from because of the lack of a sample sentence for us to work with.

Without a sentence showing how you intend to use the word, answering the question is perhaps more difficult than it would otherwise be. We'll see.

Two words spring to mind. They each have their points, and, as with all word choices out of context, their disappoints.

First, the candidate I've seen in the computing context you've described:

pre-set, n.
A control that is adjusted beforehand (either during manufacture or by the user) to a particular setting...

My memory insists the term is more common in the closed form, without the hyphen, nowadays. It should also be noted that I put my thumb on the scales by omitting the especially part:

..., esp. on electronic musical instruments and audio and video equipment.

["pre-set, n.". OED Online. December 2016. Oxford University Press. (accessed December 17, 2016).]

For a pedant from my heyday, when hi-fidelity was very much the thing, the use with reference to audio equipment and musical instruments is more familiar than its somewhat different use lately, as represented by the earlier, notso special gloss.

A derivative term may suit your context better:

presetting, n.
...a setting made beforehand, a pre-existing setting or value.

op. cit.

In this case, my thumbling ellipsis conceals nothing of importance, only another facet of observed lexical use:

The action of setting or adjusting something beforehand;....