Proportional to 2 Separate Variables vs. Proportional to Product of 2 Variables

I've always seen the following in physics and math textbooks but never understood the process by which it was mathematically deducted:

$A \propto B$ $\space$ and $\space$ $A \propto C \space\space\space \rightarrow \space\space\space A \propto BC$

Could someone walk me through how this is done? This has been bothering me for a while now :P


Update: Here's something I found that explains how this works. (Page 387; "Proof" section). Still, this proof takes the two statements one after the other. The author uses $x \propto y$ when $z$ is constant, and then takes care of $x \propto z$ when $y$ is constant, where it left off from the first (going from $x$ to $x'$ and then $x_1$). Is this the only way it can be done?

Solution 1:

Putting my comments into an answer: If we say $A \propto B$ when $A$ also depends on other things, what we mean is that holding everything else fixed, $A$ increases linearly with $B$. So $A = mB$ for some $m$, and $m$ is constant relative to $B$, but may vary depending on the other things.

This is getting a bit wooly, so let's be more explicit. Let's say $A$ is a function of $B$, $C$, and $D$. Then $A \propto B$ means $A(B,C,D) = f(C,D)\cdot B$ for some function $f$. On the other hand, if $A \propto C$, then $A(B,C,D) = g(B,D)\cdot C$ for some other $g$. When you can put those together and go through some algebra, you'll find that $A(B,C,D) = h(D)\cdot BC$, that is, $A \propto BC$.