Does QWOP have an ending?

I've been struggling with QWOP for the past hour and have finally grown weary of trying to get my character to awkwardly throw his legs outwards while remaining somewhat upright. Can I actually finish the 100m track, or does it carry on forever?

QWOP has an ending.

It also has two boss fights!

The first boss fight appears at the 50m mark and will surprise you completely when you first encounter it. It's easier than it looks though, a straight kick will assure victory.

The final boss appears at the 100m mark and you probably won't win but you can't lose either.

There are ways to ensure victory, such as getting into a low position where you can slowly twitch your way to the finish line, but it's easier to just watch the online videos.

Yes, it ends. From Wikipedia:

When the player has successfully reached 50 meters they must jump a hurdle, and at 100 meters the player is encouraged to perform a long jump, although simply passing the finish line is sufficient to complete the game.