How can I make git commit files in a symlinked folder

I have two folders:

  • /home/me/code/project/
  • /srv/www/projectfiles/

In the /home/me/code/project folder, I have symlinked static to /srv/www/projectfiles/

i.e. /home/me/code/project/static/ -> /srv/www/projectfiles/

When I try to commit now, it doesn't see any of the files behind the symlink, and instead tries to commit the symlink itself as a file.

How do I commit a file (e.g. /srv/www/projectfiles/style.css)s that is behind the symlink?

Solution 1:

A workaround would be to have /srv/www/projectfiles be a symlink to /home/me/code/project/static so git sees no symlinks

Solution 2:

If you are using linux, I particularly like the solution provided by GitBLSR. It is a library that is loaded via LD_PRELOAD that transparently dereferences symlinks to files and folders outside a repository.

To install it for a local user account is simple:

git clone
cd GitBSLR

This will compile the library and create an alias like the following in ~/.bashrc:

alias git="LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ git"

Using this alias enables the transparent link dereferencing.

Solution 3:

Consider using a mount point to mount the destination folder (which you presently symlink to) to appear in the location you want it beneath the git project. I've used this approach successfully.


sudo mount --bind ./src_folder ./dst_folder

Solution 4:

Another workaround - the only one I found that works for directories too - is to change git working tree for the specific actions.

git --work-tree=/home/me/code/project/ add /home/me/code/project/static/
git --work-tree=/home/me/code/project/ commit /home/me/code/project/static/