Storing application configuration settings

Solution 1:

You can use the constant() provider!

app.constant('myAppConfig', {ver: '1.2.2', bananas: 6, hammocks: 3, bananaHammocks: true});

This is not a whole lot different from Terry's solution, but constants don't change so they are applied before the other providers. Also, this module can be injected into your config function.


have fun

Solution 2:

Not sure if there is a "best way" but I personally use a service, here is an abbreviated example:

angular.module('myApp').factory('AppSettings', function() {
  return {
    language: 'en'

angular.module('myApp').controller('myController', ['AppSettings', 
  function(AppSettings) {
    $scope.language = AppSettings.language;

Solution 3:

You can also use provider instead of service and easy use everywhere.

angular.module('App', []).provider('config',
function() {
    var conf = {
        ver: '1.2.2',
        bananas: 6,
        hammocks: 3,
        bananaHammocks: true,

    conf.$get = function () {
        delete conf.$get;
        return conf;

    return conf;

Then use in config as configProvider:

angular.module('App').config( function(configProvider) {} );

In run, controllers, services, ect as config:

angular.module('App').run( function(config) {} );

Here is an example link and of code

Solution 4:


angular.module('starter.config', [])
.constant('appConfig', {
  'backend': 'http://localhost:3000/v1'


angular.module('', ['starter.config'])

.factory('Locations', function(appConfig, $http) {
  return {
    all: function(successCb, errorCb) {
      $http.get(appConfig.backend + '/locations.json')
    get: function(locationId, successCb, errorCb) {
      $http.get(appConfig.backend + '/locations/'+ locationId +'.json')