How to build a Quarry of a size larger than 64x64 in Feed the Beast?

The Buildcraft quarry doesn't support areas larger than 64x64. Quarry+ adds a block called Quarry+ which can support up to 256x256.

If you have Extra-utilities installed then use the Ender Quarry, it can support an unlimited* (read stupidly large) area.

It is not possible to build a quarry larger than 64x64, which is stated on the wiki:

By default, it (the Quarry) will mine out a 9x9 area with a frame of 11x11. However, this can be extended to a max of 62x62 mining area with a frame of 64x64.

I would recommend placing a number of quarries adjacent to each other and connecting them together with pipes.

for those who still want to create a quarry that is bigger then 64x64 in 1.12.2 and up, it is still possible, although the method mentioned by erhannis no longer works. heres how:

  1. place landmarks as though you are making a usual 64x64 quarry: enter image description here

  2. break the landmark which is connected to 2 other landmarks(IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE LANDMARK YOU BREAK MUST BE CONNECTED TO 2 OTHER LANDMARKS!!!) so it looks like this: enter image description here

  3. Place a 3rd landmark like so: enter image description here

  4. when you right click it, the laser should extend beyond 64x64 to whatever size you desired, like so: enter image description here

  5. break the middle landmark, and repeat as many as you like enter image description here

  6. for the other direction, repeat step 3 to 5 enter image description here

Thats it, do keep in mind that the quarry block needs a land mark behind it in order to be placed, and this method "inverts" the position of the landmarks, so keep in mind the positioning of your quarry.

also larger superquarrys goes through each layer much slower then a smaller one, resulting in more cobble and other stuff to deal with.

proof that it works with my 128x128 superquarry made using this method(if you look closly, there should be a landmark that is turned on, but the laser does not reach all the way to the endenter image description here

update: i noticed that on massive superquarryes, there can be loading issues, which can cause the quarry to dig unevenly as a result. To solve it simply break one if the frame to"reboot" and it will mine out the uneven areas

enter image description here