How can I get an address bar in Finder?
Solution 1:
This feature is not available "as is" in
Instead, typing the path to a folder/file is done via cmdshiftg as pointed by @snk, displaying the path of your current location can be enabled with this one-liner in
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES && killall Finder
copying the path can be done with the contextual menu plugin mentioned by @ridogi.
Solution 2:
The solution to your problem is FinderPath. Install it and then just double-click on the top of the window, where its name is shown. Or, you press CmdG. Voilà!
It is compatible with macOS Sierra.
Solution 3:
It is simple. Just go to finder. Click on view
. Select Show Path Bar
or press the button alt
+ command
+ P
See the image how you will enable Path Bar:
Once you have enables you can see Path bar at bottom of the window as the image below:
Solution 4:
Regarding your edit: Just use the open
command in Terminal.
open .
will open your current working directory in Finder, open ..
the parent directory, etc.
In the other direction, you can use the proxy icon (the folder icon in the Finder title bar). Drag it into a Terminal window and the path to the folder will get inserted at the current cursor location.
These approaches handle Terminal/Finder exchanges. With the ability to drag/drop files and folders onto open/save dialogs, the Go To Folder command in Finder, and the ability to navigate the folder hierarchy in Finder by Command-clicking the proxy icon, and the Go menu in Finder, there is little missing you might need for navigation. It's different from Windows, but works just as well.
You can use Automator to create a Service that takes no input in Finder or any application and performs the following in a Run AppleScript action:
tell application "Finder"
set topWnds to every window whose index is equal to 1 as list
set cwd to target of first item of topWnds as alias
tell application "Terminal" to activate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "t" using {command down}
keystroke "cd " & (POSIX path of cwd) as text
key code 36
end tell
end tell
Not too elegant, but it gets the path of finder's frontmost window, opens a new Terminal tab, and uses cd
to get there.
You can additionally use the clipboard utilities for the command line: pbcopy
and pbpaste
. You can pipe any path into pbcopy
and access it from GUI utilities, e.g. the Finder's Go to Folder... command.