My char pointer points to invalid value after being cast from int*

I am learning C programming language, I have just started learning arrays with pointers. I have problem in this question, I hope the that output must be 5 but it is 2, Can anyone please explain why?

int main(){
   int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
   char *ptr = (char *) arr;
   printf("%d", *(ptr+4));
   return 0;

Assumed a little endian architecture where an int is 32 bits (4 bytes), the individual bytes of int arr[] look like this (least significant byte at the lower address. All values in hex):

|01 00 00 00|02 00 00 00|03 00 00 00|04 00 00 00|05 00 00 00
char *ptr = (char *) arr;

Now, ptr points to the first byte - since you have casted to char*, it is treated as char array onwards:

 +-- ptr

Then, *(ptr+4) accesses the fifth element of the char array and returns the corresponding char value:

         +-- *(ptr + 4) = 2

Hence, printf() prints 2.

On a Big Endian system, the order of the bytes within each int is reversed, resulting in

         +-- *(ptr + 4) = 0

It's because the size of char is one, and the size of int is four. This means that adding 4 to ptr makes the result point to the second entry in the int array.

If you compiled this on a big endian system you would have printed 33554432 instead.