How can i aggregate two pairs of headphones/microphones into one audio stream using Audio MIDI Setup?

I am trying to use the Audio MIDI Setup program to aggregate two USB Sennheiser PC8 stereo headsets so I can use both simultaneously on Skype calls and GarageBand recordings. So far I am only able to use one at a time by deselecting the other USB device under the newly created aggregate device. How can I get both two work at the same time!?


  • Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
  • 13in Macbook Air Mid-2012
  • Sennheiser USB PC8 Headsets (

Screen Grab of Audio MIDI Setup

Solution 1:

Not sure it's going to work using an Aggregate Device - each output must have its own channel that way.

Look at a Multi-Output Device instead - then channels can share one output.

You of course, don't need to use the same 'device' for both input & output, so you can set up a different one for input - though I'm still not certain you will be able to listen to [record] both mics at the same time, the same considerations may apply.

I can't test on USB headphones as I don't have any, but using this setup I can play iTunes over internal speakers and my dedicated sound card at the same time
sounds horrible, of course;)

enter image description here