Formatting two adjacent footnote indicators in the body of the footnoted text [closed]

Solution 1:

Whenever I've seen footnotes expressed using superscripts (i.e. most printed books and articles), I think I've always seen adjacent footnotes separated with commas, with no spaces after the commas. E.g.

This line of text is a footnote reference example.1,2

If it confuses Microsoft Word, too bad.

Solution 2:

If you want to footnote two or more separate things at one location, combine the footnotes into one, with two or more separate pieces of documentation or other information in it. The only times I have ever seen two distinct superscript numbers at the end of a sentence, for the purpose of documentation, have been in the context of a numbers system of documentation as used in the physical sciences—where various documentary sources are numbered in the order they are cited, and then listed in a bibliography in numerical order. Such numbers are comma-separated, but they are not footnote or endnote numbers or calls.