C++ logging framework suggestions [closed]

Solution 1:

Not sure about the configuration from a UI or CLI. I've used both of these logging frameworks at one point or other.


It wouldn't be too hard to drive your logging based on a configuration file that could be editable by hand or through a quick and dirty GUI or CLI app. Might be a bit harder to adjust these dynamically but not too bad.


It looks like the proposed Boost.Log is now in Boost 1.54 which is at a stable release. If you are already using Boost than I would take a look at it.

Solution 2:

No viewer but you could try pantheios. I have been using it for almost a year now and am quite happy with it.

Solution 3:

I strongly suggest Pantheios, as it's the only one that's completely type-safe, and is also very efficient. It imposes a little work on the user, in selecting the right "front-end" and "back-end", but once you've got it working, you can just fix and forget.

It doesn't provide sophisticated logging facilities - e.g. rolling files - but that's by design, because it's intended to be used in combination with other logging libraries that have more functionality (but poorer performance / type-safety).