How many daedric missions are there that give you armor as a reward? [duplicate]

How many daedric missions are there that give you armor as a reward. I've only gone through a few of them and was wondering what the others were like and if they're worth possibly getting arrested.

Solution 1:

There are 16 that give rewards, however one (part of the Thieve's guild questline) requires you to give it back to complete the quest (skeleton key)

There are 3 missions that give you non-equippable artefacts, 3 that give you staves, 5 that relinquish melee weapons, 4 that give you armour (and shields) and 2 that give you rings. (one mission can give you a ring or a chest piece, but I'll elaborate)

If you do them right, you can avoid getting arrested for all of them, and possibly even get more items than you are technically allowed (by way of glitches)

For example, in "Ill Met By Moonlight" you have a choice for a reward: the Ring of Hircine or the Savior's Hide. However, sometimes, the game glitches out and upon completion of the quest (when trying for the ring) Sinding will reappear in the cell you first found him, in werewolf form. Killing him will relent the Savior's Hide. (this is tricky through the bars of the cell, but with timing and a save beforehand, you should prevail)

On the other hand, the Oghma Infinium has it's own glitch that will allow you to level up indiefinitely by use of a bookshelf. Here is a quick guide on how to go about it. (This may have been patched).

For the remainder, I believe that all of the Daedric artifacts are quite OP, my favourite listing as the Dawnbreaker (Burns Undead, and causes explosions on death that causes undead to flee), Mehrune's Razor (has a small chance for an insta-kill, which works on ALL ENEMIES), and all of the rings are quite good as well. I personally prefer the Ring of Hircine, as I enjoy playing as a werewolf.

So to round up, yes. They are worth it.