How do i fix a corrupted file on fallout new vegas
I have been playing fallout new vegas for about five days. I tried to load it again but it just gives me an infinite loading screen. my cousin said it was a corrupted file. My question is, is there a way to fix it?
Unless you're a binary editing guru, there is no way to fix a corrupted save. You will need to load an earlier save. If other saves display the same problem, roll back any changes you've done to your mods or try a fresh install without any mods.
I can tell you, from experience, how to recover your manual save (not your auto-save). This has happened to me several times on xbox 360. Not sure what platform you're on, but probably will work for any.
The problem is with the auto-save. It gets corrupted and somehow affects your manual save's ability to load as well. So, you need to overwrite your auto-save.
To do this, start a new game and get to the point where the game writes its first auto-save; this is right after you wake up in the doc's house.
Then, load your manual save. You should be good to go.
Start a new game, then load your save game file. That worked for me.