How do I enable the IMAP functions in PHP?

I have a LAMP box running Ubuntu, Apache 2 and PHP5 with Slicehost. I'm a bit new to all this sysadmin stuff (I'm primarily a web developer).

I need to use the IMAP functions in PHP, but they don't seem to be enabled according to phpinfo(). How do I enable them?

All of the information I can find on the net says I need to recompile PHP to add it, but I don't have a clue how to do that.

Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.

Solution 1:

Well, that depends on the distribution your LAMP server is running on. For example with Debian you can install the PHP5 IMAP module straight from the package manager with command apt-get install php5-imap.

Solution 2:

Carry out the following:

apt-get install php5-imap

However it's not enabled by default so enable it with:

php5enmod imap

Then bounce apache:

service apache2 restart


Solution 3:

Check the PHP version:

$ php -v

Suppose shows 7.0.32. So your FastCGI Process Manager(fpm) tool version is 7.0

Now install IMAP ENABLE and ENJOY!! Follow below commands.

# sudo apt-get install php7.0-imap
# phpenmod imap

Restart & Enable service:

# sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
# sudo systemctl enable php7.0-fpm

Check now.. IMAP is enabled!