please wait while jenkins is restarting- waiting long

I updated some plugins and restarted the jenkins but now it says:

Please wait while Jenkins is restarting

Your browser will reload automatically when Jenkins is ready.

It is taking too much time (waiting from last 40 minutes). I have only 1 project with around 20 builds. I have restarted jenkins many times and worked fine but now it stucks. Is there any way out to kill/suspend jenkins to avoid this wait?

I had a very similar issue when using jenkins build-in restart function. To fix it I killed the service (with crossed fingers), but somehow it kept serving the "Please wait" page. I guess it is served by a separate thread, but since i could not see any running java or jenkins processes i restarted the server to stop it.

After reboot jenkins worked but it was not updated. To make it work it I ran the update again and restarted the jenkins service manually - it took less than a minute and worked just fine...

Jenkins seems to have a number of bugs related to restarting, and at least one unresolved: jenkins issue

Windows ONLY....

All the solutions here didn't work and restarting the server was not an option. If you are in the same situation.

I had to kill java.exe and restart the jenkins service. After I did this Jenkins reloaded several times and then went back to normal.

I was stuck on the jenkins restarting page for 10-ish minutes untill I did this.

Hope this helps.