Difference between java HH:mm and hh:mm on SimpleDateFormat

kk: (01-24) will look like 01, 02..24.

HH:(00-23) will look like 00, 01..23.

hh:(01-12 in AM/PM) will look like 01, 02..12.

so the last printout (working2) is a bit weird. It should say 12:00:00 (edit: if you were setting the working2 timezone and format, which (as kdagli pointed out) you are not)

Please take a look here

HH is hour in a day (starting from 0 to 23)

hh are hours in am/pm format

kk is hour in day (starting from 1 to 24)

mm is minute in hour

ss are the seconds in a minute

Actually the last one is not weird. Code is setting the timezone for working instead of working2.

SimpleDateFormat working2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); working.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/UTC"));

kk goes from 1 to 24, HH from 0 to 23 and hh from 1 to 12 (AM/PM).

Fixing this error gives:


h/H = 12/24 hours means you will write hh:mm = 12 hours format and HH:mm = 24 hours format