What version of .NET am I running?

In Windows 7, how do I tell what version of the .NET framework I have installed?

In previous operating systems, (i.e. Vista/XP), I was able to go to Add/Remove Programs and it'd show all the versions of .NET Framework installed. With Windows 7, I just see "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" (in the Programs and Features control panel).

My guess is that it is only showing the latest/largest version number for my .NET framework install?

Note: I did also check Programs and Features > Installed Updates, to see if all installed .NET framework versions were shown there, but no luck.

Look in <%WINDIR%>\Microsoft.NET\Framework (and/or Framework64), this will give you fairly reliable hint.

It may contain multiple version directories such as v4.0.30319 and so on.

Microsoft has a knowledge base article that answers this question:

How to determine which versions and service pack levels of the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed

The article lists registry keys to check to determine if a particular .NET Framework version is installed.

Windows 7 shipped with the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 included as an operating system component, so it does not show up in the main Programs and Features window. You may be able to see portions of it in the Turn Windows Features On or Off section of Programs and Features. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 includes .NET 2.0 SP2 and .NET 3.0 SP2.