What do I do with Windows after making a new computer - with an old hard drive!

I'm going to be building a computer, and I've got all the parts I need.

But, I left out the hard drive because I have an old one with XP on lying around.

Now, once I've built the computer, and I put in the old hard drive what will happen?

Obviously Window's is not going to like it, because it's a different chipset, and a whole new motherboard!

But, how do I "repair" it so it boots (I have an XP CD)

Solution 1:

Once you've assembled your machine, try booting from your Windows XP install disk and using the 'repair' function as described on Microsoft's site: Perform a Repair Installation.

(I'd go for a complete reinstall myself though as I figure that a fresh install is likely to be more robust than a repaired installation.)

Solution 2:

You will need to reinstall Windows XP on this computer.

Simply put the Hard Drive in the computer, the windows XP disc in the CD-ROM Drive and then configure you BIOS (usually accessed by hitting F1 or F2 or F10 right after turning on the computer) so that it boots from the CD-ROM. This will boot into the Windows install utility. Here you will be given options to reformat the hard drive (recommended) and reinstall Windows XP.

Be warned that you will lose all data on the hard disk, especially if you format the Hard Drive.