Does Android Support JDBC

Solution 1:

You cannot import a JAR implementing java.* classes easily. And, JDBC would need to be ported to Android, since it probably relies upon classes in JavaSE that Android lacks. And, you would need to write your own JDBC driver for SQLite anyway, wrapping the API Android already supplies, since I suspect the existing JDBC driver uses JNI. And, when all of that is done, you will have an application that adds a lot of bloat, making it less likely people will download and retain your application.

In short, I wouldn't go this route.

Solution 2:

There is an (undocumented?) JDBC driver for Android's SQLite database. Try this: (from

    try {
        String db = "jdbc:sqlite:" + getFilesDir() + "/test.db";

        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(db);
        Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
        stat.executeUpdate("create table primes (number int);");
        stat.executeUpdate("insert into primes values (2);");
        stat.executeUpdate("insert into primes values (3);");
        stat.executeUpdate("insert into primes values (5);");
        stat.executeUpdate("insert into primes values (7);");

        ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from primes");
        boolean b = rs.first();
        while (b) {
            Log.d("JDBC", "Prime=" + rs.getInt(1));
            b =;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("JDBC", "Error", e);

Solution 3:

the JDBC driver is undocumented and unsupported. please do not use this code.

avoid java.sql and use android.database.sqlite instead.

Solution 4:

There is such a driver now: SQLDroid.