Embedding instead of inheritance in Go

Solution 1:

The Gang of 4's crucial principle is "prefer composition to inheritance"; Go makes you follow it;-).

Solution 2:

In a comment, you wondered if the embedding idea was enough to "replace inheritance completely". I would say the answer to that question is "yes". A few years ago I played very briefly with a Tcl OO system called Snit, which used composition and delegation to the exclusion of inheritance. Snit is still vastly different from Go's approach, but in that one respect they have some common philosophical ground. It's a mechanism for joining together pieces of functionality and responsibility, not a hierarchy for the classes.

As others have stated, it's really about what kind of programming practices the language designers want to support. All such choices come with their own pros and cons; I don't think "best practices" is a phrase that necessarily applies here. We will probably see someone develop an inheritance layer for Go eventually.

(For any readers familiar with Tcl, I felt Snit to be a slightly closer match to the "feel" of the language than [incr Tcl] was. Tcl is all about the delegation, at least to my way of thinking.)

Solution 3:

The only real uses for inheritance are:

  • Polymorphism

    • Go's interface's "static duck typing" system solves this problem
  • Borrowing implementation from another class

    • This is what embedding is for

Go's approach doesn't exactly map 1-to-1, consider this classical example of inheritance and polymorphism in Java (based on this):

//roughly in Java (omitting lots of irrelevant details)
//WARNING: don't use at all, not even as a test

abstract class BankAccount
    int balance; //in cents
    void Deposit(int money)
        balance += money;

    void withdraw(int money)
        if(money > maxAllowedWithdrawl())
            throw new NotEnoughMoneyException();
        balance -= money;

    abstract int maxAllowedWithdrawl();

class Account extends BankAccount
    int maxAllowedWithdrawl()
        return balance;

class OverdraftAccount extends BankAccount
    int overdraft; //amount of negative money allowed

    int maxAllowedWithdrawl()
        return balance + overdraft;

Here, inheritance and polymorphism are combined, and you can't translate this to Go without changing the underlying structure.

I haven't delved deeply into Go, but I suppose it would look something like this:

//roughly Go? .... no?
//for illustrative purposes only; not likely to compile
//WARNING: This is totally wrong; it's programming Java in Go

type Account interface {
    MaxWithdraw() int

func Deposit(account Account, amount int) {

func Withdraw(account Account, amount int) error {
    if account.MaxWithdraw() < amount {
        return errors.New("Overdraft!")
    return nil

type BankAccount {
    balance int

func (account *BankAccount) AddToBalance(amount int) {
    account.balance += amount;

type RegularAccount {

func (account *RegularAccount) MaxWithdraw() int {
    return account.balance //assuming it's allowed

type OverdraftAccount {
    overdraft int

func (account *OverdraftAccount) MaxWithdraw() int {
    return account.balance + account.overdraft

As per the note, this is totally a wrong way to code since one is doing Java in Go. If one was to write such a thing in Go, it would probably be organized a lot different than this.

Solution 4:

Embedding provides automatic delegation. This in itself isn't enough to replace inheritance, as embedding provides no form of polymorphism. Go interfaces do provide polymorphism, they are a bit different than the interfaces you may be use to (some people liken them to duck typing or structural typing).

In other languages, inheritance hierarchies need to be carefully designed because changes are wide sweeping and therefore hard to do. Go avoids these pitfalls while providing a powerful alternative.

Here's an article that delves into OOP with Go a little more: http://nathany.com/good

Solution 5:

I am just now learning about Go, but since you are asking for an opinion, I'll offer one based on what I know so far. Embedding appears to be typical of many other things in Go, which is explicit language support for best practices that are already being done in existing languages. For example, as Alex Martelli noted, the Gang of 4 says "prefer composition to inheritance". Go not only removes inheritance, but makes composition easier and more powerful than in C++/Java/C#.

I've been puzzled by comments like "Go provides nothing new that I can't already do in language X," and "why do we need another language?" It appears to me that in one sense, Go doesn't provide anything new that couldn't be done before with some work, but in another sense, what is new is that Go will facilitate and encourage the use of the best techniques that are already in practice using other languages.