Sharing an internet connection through the Ethernet port

I have a small living room PC (Bohica, running fully-updated Ubuntu 10.10/Maverick) connected to my HDTV that I use for web browsing and media streaming. It connects via WiFi (wlan0) to my Fedora server (Snafu) that in turn connects to the internet. I use static addressing, and everything has been working fine.

I just got a Blu-ray player, and I'd like to give it wired network access to the internet via Bohica's available wired ethernet port (eth0). So far, I haven't been to get eth0 and the network configured to get the Blu-ray player talking to the internet.

Here's my wlan0 configuration:

 ip4 addr:
 mask:     /24 (
 gateway: (fedora box)

The Blu-ray player is set to an IP of, with the same gateway as above.

I want eth0 set to an IP of, but when I do this using nm-connection-editor I lose internet access (the system tries to use eth0 as the default internet access interface).

How do I get my blu-ray player to talk to the internet through Bohica, and do so without disrupting my current (working) network?


Edit: Here's the relevant output from nm-tool with the Blu-ray player connected:

$ nm-tool

NetworkManager Tool

State: connected

- Device: eth0
  Type:              Wired
  Driver:            forcedeth
  State:             disconnected
  Default:           no
  HW Address:        90:FB:A6:2C:94:32

    Carrier Detect:  yes
    Speed:           100 Mb/s

  Wired Properties
    Carrier:         on

- Device: wlan0  [wlan0] 
  Type:              802.11 WiFi
  Driver:            ndiswrapper
  State:             connected
  Default:           yes
  HW Address:        00:26:5A:C0:D0:05

  IPv4 Settings:
    Prefix:          24 (

Solution 1:

Turns out all I needed was firestarter. It quickly and easily did exactly what I needed, and nothing more.