Codesign of Dropbox API fails in Xcode 4.6.3: "code object is not signed at all"

I think I may have figured this one out. I've been running Xcode 4.6.3 on OS X Mavericks, under the impression that any build-specific tools were bundled in the Xcode application.

But, it seems codesign is in /usr/bin. Whether it's put there by one of the Xcode installers or comes with a vanilla system install, I'm not sure. But reading through the man page for codesign, I found this nifty option:

--deep  When signing a bundle, specifies that nested code content such as helpers, frameworks, and plug-ins, should be recursively signed
             in turn. Beware that all signing options you specify will apply, in turn, to such nested content.
             When verifying a bundle, specifies that any nested code content will be recursively verified as to its full content. By default,
             verification of nested content is limited to a shallow investigation that may not detect changes to the nested code.
             When displaying a signature, specifies that a list of directly nested code should be written to the display output. This lists only
             code directly nested within the subject; anything nested indirectly will require recursive application of the codesign command.

And then I found this post ( from two weeks ago (~June 2013), which mentions (albeit second-handedly):

@isaiah I asked a guy in the labs about it. He said codesign now requires embedded frameworks to be signed separately before code signing the app bundle as a whole.

Manually re-running the codesign command that Xcode normally runs, while adding the --deep flag to the end, signs the application properly.

I'm not yet sure exactly what ramifications this manual signing has, or whether I can tweak the Xcode build to add the --deep flag automatically, but this seems to be the underlying issue. (codesign no longer automatically deeply signs your app bundle.)

As highlighted in other answers, there is a change to the way code signing works. If you've installed any of the Xcode 5 DP's then the new tools will be being used even if you are using Xcode 4.6.X.

All you need to do at this stage (in Xcode 4.6.X) is take the --deep flag suggested above and add it into your code signing flags (Target, Build Settings) see image below.

Specifying Deep Signing of Embedded Frameworks

For me, this problem was caused after dragging a folder named "resources" in my project. After changing its name into anything else(like "resourcessss" for example), the error disappeared.

I had the same problem, but the answer was simple: the code signing identity on my app was set to "-", so simply setting that to "Don't Code Sign" fixed me up.

"-" seems to be the default setting when you carry out some set of actions, although I can't tell you what those are.