What's the Word for a Token Job?

A Sinecure is a "cushy" job that is usually given as a reward. It literally means "without care" and is a job without the cares of actual results. It is typically given for reasons of status, prestige, or patronage.

As an adjective, the word "titular" would be sufficient, implying that the job is one in title only. E.g. The titular Crown Steward and Baliff of the Chiltern Hundreds did such and such.

Is honorary the adjective you're looking for?

honorary: the definition of honorary refers to some distinction, status or award without the person bestowed with the honor being made to fulfill the usual requirements, or a person who has been bestowed with such an honor, or a person holding a position without being paid for it.

Where the job essentially exists in name only, it can be termed a no-show job:

of, relating to, or being a job for which the holder is paid but performs few duties or is rarely present for work

Other possibilities are an emeritus position:

one retired from professional life but permitted to retain as an honorary title the rank of the last office held

or a figurehead role:

a person who is called the head or chief of something but who has no real power