Is "keep updated" proper usage of those words?

I'm far from being an English major, but I have a simple question. If someone were to say keep updated in a sentence, is that correct? I know the usage, tense, and other things matter, but is it incorrect to use those two words together?

If you were to suggest that someone keep updated [a statement], would that be correct?

I read another post here (which was similar), but it didn't say anything specific about "keep" or "updated" together.

Update: Thanks to a comment written in response to an answer below, a good example of this would be the sentence, “Whom should I keep updated about our progress?” (Is this correct?)

We use update word a lot of times in our business mails but have never seen them being used together. We always put something in between the two words like "Keep me updated", "Keep us updated"," I will keep you updated" or if you are ordering someone to update something, you will say "Keep it updated" . Since you will always be updating someone or something , hence, there should be something in the middle.