Android studio: new project vs new module

Solution 1:

KISS answer:

module in Android Studio is like a project in Eclipse

project in Android Studio is like a workspace in Eclipse

Solution 2:

From the documentation (Android Studio is based on Intellij IDEA) :

Whatever you do in IntelliJ IDEA, you do that in the context of a project. A project is an organizational unit that represents a complete software solution.

Your finished product may be decomposed into a series of discrete, isolated modules, but it's a project definition that brings them together and ties them into a greater whole.

For Android, it means one project per app, and one module per library and per test app.

There are multiple issues if you try to build multiple apps within the same project. It's possible, but if you try (like I did), you will see that almost everything is designed to work with a single app per project.

For example, there is an option to "rebuild the project", which makes no sense with multiple apps, many other project settings would be useless, and the built-in VCS system isn't great when you have multiple repositories.

Solution 3:

A project in Android Studio represents a complete Android app. Android Studio projects consist of one or more modules.

A module is a component of your app that you can build, test, or debug independently.

Modules contain the source code and resources for your app.