Mac App Store Download Failure - Clear Cache?

I bought a program on the Mac App Store (Desk) on one of my computers.

I am running Yosemite on a different computer and I tried to install the program from the Mac App Store - while I was on a public WiFi connection that blocks the Mac App Store. The download failed - but any attempt since then on that computer fails to download that one app.

Whenever I attempt to "Install" the program in the Mac App Store it eventually times out and I receive the following error:

"We could not complete your purchase. The request timed out." I can download and install other apps just fine.

When I attempt to download I see the following in the console:

2/13/15 9:53:20.491 AM storeaccountd[351]: ADI: {
    "Cache-Control" = "max-age=604800";
    Connection = "keep-alive";
    "Content-Length" = 0;
    Date = "Wed, 28 Jan 2015 15:26:24 GMT";
    Location = "";
    Server = "squid/2.6.STABLE21";
    Via = "1.1 8802 (squid/3.3.5)";
    "X-Cache" = "MISS from 8802";

I believe what has happened is that the App Store Web View has cached the redirect to the "denied" page from the public WiFi, but I don't know how to fix this.

  1. I have rebooted
  2. I have restarted App Store
  3. I have Cleared Cache in Safari
  4. I tried delete this files:
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80000gp/C/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/C/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/C/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/C/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/T/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/T/
    • /private/var/folders/tv/mw9ndb1s7qn76_xtbg8zy3v80001z2/T/

Got this sorted out.

  1. Quit App Store.

  2. Use Terminal or Activity Monitor to quit/ force quit the following processes and to delete the following folders:

     killall storeaccountd
     killall storeassetd
     killall storedownloadd
     killall storeinappd
     killall appstoreagent
     rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/storeaccountd
     rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/storeassetd
     rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/storedownloadd
     rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/storeinappd
  3. Restart App Store and hold the option key down to cancel any stuck downloads.

  4. Then try a download again