Reflecting parameter name: abuse of C# lambda expressions or syntax brilliance? [closed]

I am looking at the MvcContrib Grid component and I'm fascinated, yet at the same time repulsed, by a syntactic trick used in the Grid syntax:

.Attributes(style => "width:100%")

The syntax above sets the style attribute of the generated HTML to width:100%. Now if you pay attention, 'style' is nowhere specified. It is deduced from the name of the parameter in the expression! I had to dig into this and found where the 'magic' happens:

Hash(params Func<object, TValue>[] hash)
    foreach (var func in hash)
        Add(func.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name, func(null));

So indeed, the code is using the formal, compile time, name of parameters to create the dictionary of attribute name-value pairs. The resulted syntax construct is very expressive indeed, but at the same time very dangerous.

The general use of lambda expressions allows for replacement of the names used without side effect. I see an example in a book that says collection.ForEach(book => Fire.Burn(book)) I know I can write in my code collection.ForEach(log => Fire.Burn(log)) and it means the same thing. But with the MvcContrib Grid syntax here all of a sudden, I find code that actively looks and makes decisions based on the names I choose for my variables!

So is this common practice with the C# 3.5/4.0 community and the lambda expressions lovers? Or is a rogue one trick maverick I shouldn't worry about?

Solution 1:

I find that odd not so much because of the name, but because the lambda is unnecessary; it could use an anonymous-type and be more flexible:

.Attributes(new { style = "width:100%", @class="foo", blip=123 });

This is a pattern used in much of ASP.NET MVC (for example), and has other uses (a caveat, note also Ayende's thoughts if the name is a magic value rather than caller-specific)

Solution 2:

This has poor interop. For example, consider this C# - F# example


public class Class1
    public static void Foo(Func<object, string> f)


Class1.Foo(fun yadda -> "hello")


"arg" is printed (not "yadda").

As a result, library designers should either avoid these kinds of 'abuses', or else at least provide a 'standard' overload (e.g. that takes the string name as an extra parameter) if they want to have good interop across .Net languages.

Solution 3:

Just wanted to throw in my opinion (I'm the author of the MvcContrib grid component).

This is definitely language abuse - no doubt about it. However, I wouldn't really consider it counter intuitive - when you look at a call to Attributes(style => "width:100%", @class => "foo")
I think it's pretty obvious what's going on (It's certainly no worse than the anonymous type approach). From an intellisense perspective, I agree it is pretty opaque.

For those interested, some background info on its use in MvcContrib...

I added this to the grid as a personal preference - I do not like the use of anonymous types as dictionaries (having a parameter that takes "object" is just as opaque as one that takes params Func[]) and the Dictionary collection initializer is rather verbose (I am also not a fan of verbose fluent interfaces, eg having to chain together multiple calls to an Attribute("style", "display:none").Attribute("class", "foo") etc)

If C# had a less verbose syntax for dictionary literals, then I wouldn't have bothered including this syntax in the grid component :)

I also want to point out that the use of this in MvcContrib is completely optional - these are extension methods that wrap overloads that take an IDictionary instead. I think it's important that if you provide a method like this you should also support a more 'normal' approach, eg for interop with other languages.

Also, someone mentioned the 'reflection overhead' and I just wanted to point out that there really isn't much of an overhead with this approach - there is no runtime reflection or expression compilation involved (see,guid,206e64d1-29ae-4362-874b-83f5b103727f.aspx).

Solution 4:

I would prefer

Attributes.Add(string name, string value);

It's much more explicit and standard and nothing is being gained by using lambdas.

Solution 5:

Welcome To Rails Land :)

There is really nothing wrong with it as long as you know what's going on. (It's when this kind of thing isn't documented well that there is a problem).

The entirety of the Rails framework is built on the idea of convention over configuration. Naming things a certain way keys you into a convention they're using and you get a whole lot of functionality for free. Following the naming convention gets you where you're going faster. The whole thing works brilliantly.

Another place where I've seen a trick like this is in method call assertions in Moq. You pass in a lambda, but the lambda is never executed. They just use the expression to make sure that the method call happened and throw an exception if not.