Can Go compiler be installed on Windows?

Solution 1:

There are now installers for Windows, see Go under Windows


package main

func main() {
    println("Hello World!");

Compile with 8g, link with 8l and then execute. Example:

8g HelloWorld.go
8l -o HelloWorld.exe HelloWorld.8

Solution 2:

It hasn't made it onto the Go Lang FAQ yet, but from the changelog:

Why doesn't Go run on Windows? We understand that a significant fraction of computers in the world run Windows and it would be great if those computers could run Go programs. However, the Go team is small and we don't have the resources to do a Windows port at the moment. We would be more than willing to answer questions and offer advice to anyone willing to develop a Windows version.

Solution 3:

Yes! As of 2012 the Go homepage offers an official Windows installer (32 or 64 bit)

Solution 4:

Despite the fact that Go is only two days old, this question has already become a FAQ on the Go mailinglist. (Unfortunately, it has not yet been added to the FAQ list on the website.)

Basically, Go is done by a very small group of people, so they simply do not have the time nor the resources to do a Windows port. That very small group of people also happens to be the people who invented Unix, so that was kind of a natural first target.