Google Earth crashing when opening
Solution 1:
Solved by looking at the log.
I removed
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/NPLoaderOSX.plugin/Contents/MacOS/NPLoaderOSX
Solution 2:
I had the same problem the Facebook plugin fbplugin_1_0_0.plugin. Once it was deleted, Google Earth opened normally.
Solution 3:
I had same problem on iMAC running 10.9.5. I didn't have either of those previously mentioned plugins. I did have only one, a "Dish Anywhere Player.plugin" in Users/(My Name)/Library/Internet Plug-ins. When I trashed that plug-in then Google Earth would open and operate properly.
Solution 4:
My guilty plugin was:
Installed by Swann videos systems
I moved my plug-ins to a different folder ½ at a time until GE stayed open.