Return an empty IEnumerator

I have an interface that, among other things, implements a "public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()" method, so I can use the interface in a foreach statement.

I implement this interface in several classes and in one of them, I want to return an empty IEnumerator. Right now I do this the following way:

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
    ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
    return arr.GetEnumerator();

However I consider this an ugly hack, and I can't help but think that there is a better way of returning an empty IEnumerator. Is there?

This is simple in C# 2:

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
    yield break;

You need the yield break statement to force the compiler to treat it as an iterator block.

This will be less efficient than a "custom" empty iterator, but it's simpler code...

There is an extra function in the framework:

public static class Enumerable
    public static IEnumerable<TResult> Empty<TResult>();

Using this you can write:

var emptyEnumerable = Enumerable.Empty<int>();
var emptyEnumerator = Enumerable.Empty<int>().GetEnumerator();

You could implement a dummy class that implements IEnumerator, and return an instance of it:

class DummyEnumerator : IEnumerator
    public object Current
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

    public bool MoveNext()
        return false;

    public void Reset()

I was curious and went a bit further. I made a test that checks how efficient the methods are comparing yield break, Enumerable.Emtpy and custom class.

You can check it out on dotnetfiddle or use the code below.

The result of one of the many dotnetfiddle runs using 190 000 iterations was:

Yield break: 00:00:00.0012208

Enumerable.Empty(): 00:00:00.0007815

EmptyEnumerator instance: 00:00:00.0010226

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
    private const int Iterations = 190000;
    public static void Main()
        var sw = new Stopwatch();
        IEnumerator enumerator1 = YieldBreak();
        for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not occur");
        Console.WriteLine("Yield break: {0}", sw.Elapsed);
        IEnumerator enumerator2 = Enumerable.Empty<object>().GetEnumerator();
        for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not occur");
        Console.WriteLine("Enumerable.Empty<T>(): {0}", sw.Elapsed);
        var enumerator3 = new EmptyEnumerator();
        for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not occur");
        Console.WriteLine("EmptyEnumerator instance: {0}", sw.Elapsed);
    public static IEnumerator YieldBreak()
        yield break;
    private class EmptyEnumerator : IEnumerator
        //public static readonly EmptyEnumerator Instance = new EmptyEnumerator();
        public bool MoveNext()
            return false;
        public void Reset()
        public object Current { get { return null; } }