How to open Resolution Center for an app version rejection after the app is approved?

Something very strange happened to me. My company application was rejected in first place because App Review Team reported that it crashed in iPad Air 2. We bought a new iPad Air 2 and I faced no issues there.. However I did some small fixes here and there and uploaded a new bundle of the app. Even in this case the app was rejected with the same excuse. I had a long conversation in the Resolution Center with the App Review Team with me explaining that the app never crashed even with the new device we bought. As last thing I requested to have a video/screenrecord of the crashing moment.. After some hours surprisingly I got the application approved and ready for sale. My problem now is that I can't access the resolution center anymore. I need to have this conversation documented because my chiefs have it hard to believe that the application was accepted just at surprise :) Can anyone help please ?

Solution 1:

Found this floating around on Reddit. I've also had the same issue and was able to find the Resolution Center from this:[your-app-id]/platform/ios/resolutioncenter

Update it with your AppID. This ID is for iTC, not the bundle_id from the developer portal. You can find it in iTC and it will be a series of numbers.


Since iTunes Connect has become App Store Connect, due to redirects, the above URL no longer works. Please use the following:[your-app-id]/platform/ios/resolutioncenter