use of "also" vs. "and also"

I would not recommend sentences starting with also, on technical documents and academic theses. Similarly, I avoid using going to in such situations, especially a phrase like "I am going to go", which sounds terribly cheesy. They are colloquialisms, which may annoy the academic/intellectual reader.

Depending on the intended logic of the sentence, also could be replaced by

  • furthermore
  • on the other hand
  • nevertheless
  • nonetheless
  • similarly
  • in addition
  • additionally
  • perhaps
  • undoubtedly
  • however
  • regardless

Or (please don't mind the colloquialism), use the following mouthfuls

  • due-to/on/after further consideration
  • further consideration suggests/indicates that
  • deeper review indicates that
  • in/on/with further consideration
  • with all due consideration
  • I would further suggest that
  • not forgetting/ignoring (the fact) that
  • on further analysis
  • I also wish to remind/emphasize that
  • notwithstanding/despite/in-spite-of/despite previous/other evidence/consideration

Among words that should only be used to begin a sentence colloquially are

  • and
  • or
  • also
  • plus
  • maybe

When you start a sentence with And also, you commit double cheesiness, plus incurring grammar girl's wrath against redundancy.

Redundancy is used in some languages to establish emphasis. For the sake of clarity, in technical usage in any language, where we need to express as much as possible in as few words as possible, it is best to avoid redundancy and obfuscating structures.