How do I include functions from another file in my Perl script?

Solution 1:

Use a module. Check out perldoc perlmod and Exporter.

In file

package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;

our @ISA= qw( Exporter );

# these CAN be exported.
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( export_me export_me_too );

# these are exported by default.
our @EXPORT = qw( export_me );

sub export_me {
    # stuff

sub export_me_too {
    # stuff


In your main program:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Foo;  # import default list of items.

export_me( 1 );

Or to get both functions:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Foo qw( export_me export_me_too );  # import listed items

export_me( 1 );
export_me_too( 1 );

You can also import package variables, but the practice is strongly discouraged.

Solution 2:

Perl require will do the job. You will need to ensure that any 'require'd files return truth by adding


at the end of the file.

Here's a tiny sample:

$ cat 
use strict;
sub x { warn "aard"; }

$ cat 
use strict;
require "";

$ perl 
aard at line 2.

But migrate to modules as soon as you can.


A few benefits of migrating code from scripts to modules:

  • Without packages, everything occupies a single namespace, so you may hit a situation where two functions from separate files want the same name.
  • A package allows you to expose some functions, but hide others. With no packages, all functions are visible.
  • Files included with require are only loaded at run time, whereas packages loaded with use are subject to earlier compile-time checks.