Best way to stream video from iPad or iPhone to Macbook ?

I am planning to create some app tutorials (screencasts) using Screenflow on my Macbook

The apps are iPhone and iPad apps so I want to show the live app in the tutorial and mix in other aspects which Screenflow lets you do.

I think therefore I just need to get the iPad to stream to a Window on my macbook - then I can capture it.

I have an Apple TV and I think I read that this is the best way to do this - but not sure the exact set up - can anyone advise?

Solution 1:

If you have an iOS 8 device with a Lightning cable (i.e. no iPhone 4S) and Yosemite, you can do this without an Apple TV.

  1. Plug in your iDevice to your Mac.
  2. Open QuickTime.
  3. Click File > New Movie Recording.
  4. Select your iDevice as the input source.

You can find these instructions online with pictures here.