No application to launch when plugging in ipod

I am running Banshee 1.8.0 on a more-or-less vanilla Meerkat installation. I was most pleased when I plugged in an old iPod Nano and it Just Worked.

However, when plugging in the iPod, Nautilus/Gnome asks for an application to handle the newly inserted iPod. The dialog presents no applications that can handle the device and allows no manual choice.

inserted audio player dialog

I have reinstalled banshee with apt-get purge and also install --reinstall but neither added an association. As before, when manually opened, banshee happily talks to the iPod, it just won't launch on plug.

I suspect there is a missing association in gconf or something similar but I'm not sure where this information lives.

Solution 1:

First try to set your preferred application for the media player in System->Preferences->Preferred applications:

alt text

If you don't have banshee in your list, select custom and add command /usr/bin/banshee. And if that doesn't work you can try also with File manager preferences:

alt text

Where I have set "Ask what to do", try to set as banshee

old: THIS might help as this happend before.

Solution 2:

It sounds like the MIME type database may be incomplete. Normally, the following should list about a dozen lines corresponding to types of media that can be assigned auto-run preferences:

grep x-content /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache

If they don't show up, first verify that the following returns a line containing audio-player:

grep x-content /usr/share/applications/banshee*.desktop

Then try regenerating the database by running:

sudo update-desktop-database --verbose

If that doesn't help, setting the following in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list should function as a lazy workaround:

[Added Associations]